Monday, November 23, 2009

Helloooo, is this thing still on?

Okay, can we all count how many times I have published a blank blog? Seriously, I think I do that almost every time! So, the purpose of this blog is to be short and sweet and figure out if anyone is still checking it. Or, to determine if this blog has died it's slow, inevitible death due to my lack of blogging in......a lot of months. So, comment if you're still out there checking in on the blog. IF in fact I do actually have readers then I will make a concious effort to be a better blogger. If not, then adios guilt for having a blog haning out there! I'll just let it go.

Helloooo, is this thing still on?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We're Moving!

Okay, forgive me. It's been FOREVER and one day since I last blogged. When I started this blog I thought oh, I'll be one of those really interesting people who blogs a little every day because really, how hard could it be right? As it turns out, most of my readers are people I talk to on a fairly regular basis and pretty much know the things I would blog about. Hmmmm, problem.....yes.

Well, it has been a busy past few months for us. Here's a bit of what has been going on just to make sure that everyone is updated. :)

We put our house on the market several months ago after finding a new house at an Auction. It took nearly 3 months and many, many, many showings before we received an offer on it, but as it turns out that was the one we were waiting for because we are now in the process of moving! The stress of keeping your house "show ready" for 3 months and being "kicked out" of your house for an hour nearly every other day was awful and I now have a new respect for anyone that I see with a Realtor sign in their front yard. Anywho, in the process of waiting on our house to sell we were able to do some freshening up to the new house. The new house by the way is a 3 bedroom in Rose Hill on an acre with a huge shop for Hubbie and a one car attached garage for me and a big covered deck. :) Back to the freshening up. We went in and removed a lot of wood paneling off of the living room and hallways and after prepping the walls painted them and put on all new trim. We also had to sand the ceiling in a few rooms that had highly textured ceilings and then painted them. The basement required the most work and that was of course hired out. The walls were cracked and in need of support so an excavator came out and dug out around the house to push the walls back out and we had them add 3 escape windows in the process so that space is now official square footage. The kitchen is the one big project left to do but we're going to have to move in and do it while living there. Thanks to the abilities of my Dad though the work should be able to be completed over Labor Day weekend. The kitchen will be getting all new cabinet door fronts and the existing cabinets will be stained to match the rest of the woodwork. The counter tops will also get new formica tops and the floor which is currently carpeted will be replaced with Laminate floor that looks like tile. We also have to purchase a new stove/microwave set and a dishwasher because the kitchen does not currently have one. A dishwasher is a requirement of mine, I won't go without one any more, 7 years is long enough. :) The kitchen also has some plastic tile board looking stuff on the walls that is turquoise and maroon and that will be coming off. Yuck. Unfortunatley that will mean cutting the sheetrock out but we'll go through and re-sheetrock it, put up a prettier tile backsplash and then I'll paint the walls in there as well. Hmmmm, I think that's it other then some massive yard work and planting some flowers.

Other news, most of you probably know that we have added to the furry side of our family. We have a Great Dane now named Bella. She's doing well but initially was a pretty sick little puppy. She's about 14 weeks now and is already twice as tall as Boomer. For reference, her head is about even with my knee. :) She's super sweet and is really coming along in not chewing on stuff and pottying in the house. She better the the potty training figured out by the time we move August 14th or I'm going to be annoyed. :)

I think I'll have to quit for now. I really need to get back to work. Check in with us when you can and I'll try and get our new address and phone number out to everyone when we're settled.


We're Moving!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

At this very moment...

I am undeniably procrastinating work. What I'm working on is repetitive, and boring and I've been working on it for the last couple of hours. So yes, at this point I'm procrastinating doing any more of it for a bit.

Nothing very new has been going on. Bub is still adorable as ever and surprises me every day. He is showing signs of being so very smart, it makes my heart happy. Among other things he is really good at identifying animals and their sounds. He picks up on new things quite easily too. This week he learned what a snake sounds like after going over it a few times. He also learned what a train sounds like in just the few minutes that it takes to get home from daycare. We were stopped by one so I figured it was a good time for a little lesson. He's really into singing too. Favorite song? Twinkle Twinkle or Kinkle Kinkle as he says. I start him off and then he sings after me and after that I repeat what he just sang and he sings the rest of the line. Pretty good for almost 2 1/2. Itsy Bitsy Spider is a fave too, he does the hand motions and everything. Have I mentioned that he can count to 15 as well? We're working on ABC's and colors too. He's already a pro at shape sorting and can identify some of the shapes. Like I said, smart kid. He'll tell you he's smart too. I told him he was smart one day and he's just hung onto it and frequently says "I'm smart" when we review everything.

Another funny story, Bub apparently loves everything, he started that over the weekend. He insisted on wearing his snow boots with his PJ's Saturday morning, when I commented on them he said "I looooove boots". Too cute! Later I caught him sitting with Daddy watching sports (still in snow boots) and I commented "awwww, are you watching sports with Daddy?" his reponse "I looooove sports". Since then he has applied it to looooving shoes, choo-choo, snack, Patrick his stuffed elephant and of course also to Daddy and I among lots of other things. Like I said he loooooves everything.

Grant and I are considering adding a furry friend to our family. We've talked about it not so seriously for a while. Usually just in the context of "our next dog" but it seems that we have found our possible "next dog" a little early. Grant has been wanting a big dog and we found a Great Dane for a Great Deal (get it?). So anyway, we're thinking. I'm sure we'll think too long and the two that are left will be gone in which case I guess it then just wasn't meant to be. I'll let you know what happens.

Well, I suppose I can't procrastinate any longer and should see what I can get done in my last 18 minutes. (Sigh) I'm ready to go home and play!


Friday, April 24, 2009

18 Months

Yesterday I heard the news that my Aunt has been given 18 months to live. This is my Uncle's wife, just to be clear that it is not one of my Mom's siblings.

About a month ago I was at my Mom's house when she got the call from her brother that his wife had had two seizures and was in the hospital. With further testing it was determined that she had inoperable cancer in her brain but that they were going to do chemo and radiation to try to shrink it and there was hope that she would find some benefit from that and would show improvement.

In the meantime though her condition continued to go down hill and she was losing the ability to communicate etc. I'm not sure what changed between a week or so ago and yesterday but now they have given her 18 months and it made me think. If you or your spouse were given 18 months, what in the world would you do?

My first thought was quit work, and do everything you ever wanted to do in life. But, as it turns out my Aunt is already slightly incapacitated and I'm not sure that it will improve and my Uncle has to work to pay the bills. I tried to look at it from my Uncle's prespective and wondered how on Earth he will manage to continue going to work every day and not be just desperate to get home to spend time with her rather then "wasting" time at work that could be spent on more meaningful things and creating as many memories as possible.

I also tried to imagine it from their adult kids perspective and that was just awful. They're youngest can already hardly bear to be with her Mom in this condition and I just pray that she finds a way to get over that and make the most of her 18 months.

18 months people! Honestly how can that even be comprehended! I'm completely dumb founded and I will admit that I typically only saw my Aunt at holiday's for the most part but it's just really gotten to me, I can't imagine what it's doing to anyone closer to her. It's incredibly sad, she will never be a Grandmother, my Uncle will have to find a way to live the next 40+ years without her assuming he lives into his 90's and her kids will have to learn to know life without their Mom. It's unimagineable to me.

So, the point of this blog was not to depress everyone, or collect sympathy. The point is thought. Think about it, if the most awful of awful things was to happen and you were given 18 months with a loved one, what would you do? How would you spend it? In your day to day life, please remember what you have and what others are losing and reconsider how much attention you devote to the stressors of life, how long you hold onto a grudge. Pay special attention to the small moments that make the day awesome and never for a second take advantage of what you have or think too long about what you wish you had, because you never know when someone will drop 18 months on you.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cute Story for the day....

Bub was outside with Hubbie and I last night and fell down and got his first really scraped knee. He was tough though, he didn't cry a bit, not even when I was cleaning it. Such a big boy! He's pretty proud of his Elmo Band-Aid too. I didn't put one on at first, but after I cleaned it he went outside and crawled under the camper to chase a ball. So, after cleaning it a 2nd time I decided a Band-Aid might keep it a little cleaner. We went back out after that and he would stop about every five steps, pull up the hem on his shorts and say Elmo, go back to running around and then do it again about 5 steps later. He's such a crack up.

Yesterday after work Bub and I went to Kohl's to try to find some shorts since this week is going to be so warm. We weren't successful in finding anything but we did talk a lot and of course counted (he can go to 15 now) and went through his animal sounds (which he is very good at). After one time of going through the animals I gave him a big kiss and said Bub, you're smart, then all through the store he said "I'm smart". Too cute, and yes, he is quite smart. ;0)

Update on the house business. We have had 8 showings on the house, all within the first week and so far no takers. Kind of discouraging but we have an open house scheduled for this weekend so we're hoping something comes from that. Keep us in your thoughts. Poor Hubbie has been working so hard to get the outside of the house looking better since we're finally having some dry/nice weather. He's already painted the exterior windows on the house and garage. He also weeded the flower bed while I chased Bub around outside and is going to work on the yard further tonight. Poor guy needs a break!!! We won't be able to work on the house Sunday due to the open house so we're talking about what to do that day, something fun and relaxing. My goal is to get some flowers into our big planters and move them to the front of the house to improve curb appeal before the open house. I'll update more later if anything exciting happens.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Trying Again.....Quick Update

Well, somehow I posted before I had typed anything. Not sure how that happened, not sure how to correct it, don't have enough time to mess with it, so here I am starting over.

Our house is officially on the market now. YAY, and thanks to everyone who helped us get it "Realtor Ready". It posted on the internet sometime between Friday when I left work and Saturday morning when I checked to see if it has posted yet. Anyway, by Saturday afternoon we received a call that they wanted to show it that day at 4:15. Holy Cow! Unfortunately those people weren't interested. Dang. But, I got a call this morning that someone wants to see it this Saturday. YAY! Then, about an hour later I got another call that someone wants to see it TODAY! Holy Cow again! Hubbie also has a friend at work who's girlfriend might be interested in it.

So, we're hopeful that it will sell quickly given the response that it has had so far. Please send lots of good thoughts and prayers our way that it sells quickly and that we can get our stuff packed up and moved within whatever amount of time we're given.

This afternoon will be a whirlwind. I'll be leaving work in about 14 minutes to do the mail run downtown and then I have to go by the house to get Boomer and of course I didn't make the bed today. Sigh, I shouldn't have let my guard down on that one. I've make it every day sense the house went on the market, except for today. There's also a checklist of other small things to do to make the house more inviting before I got to get Bub. I'll post again if anything exciting happens!!!!!

Quick Update

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

63 Things

So, I orignally saw a post like this on a blog that is linked to my friend Michelle's blog and then she did it too so I thought I would keep the ball rolling. I kind of like things like this because even though I've seen lots of them, each one has different questions and you learn stuff about your friends that you didn't know before. This one certainly takes the award for original questions.

Oh, and before I start.....Our house will be on the Weigand website Friday according to our realtor so lots of prayers and good thoughts our way for a quick sell. And, a quick Bub story, he really LOVES balloons right now. Every time he sees one he points and says ba-loo, it's adorable. A shout out to hubbie today too, he's the big 2-9. I think I'll make a favorite dinner for him that is not a favorite of mine, but it's his birthday so I'll eat something else. ;0) Now, on to 63 things....

1. Song that always makes you sad? Christmas Shoes.
2. Last thing you bought? A can of pop.
3. Last person you argued with? I don't really argue with anyone and I try not to hold grudges. If hubbie and I have a disagreement it rarely escalates into an arguement and whatever it was is typically over and forgiven within an hour.
4. Do you put peanut butter on your sandwich before the jelly? Yes, but I'm not sure why it matters, I just do.
5. One of your stuff animals names as a kid? I had a bear Charlie, after my aunts dog.
6. Did you ever own a NSYNC CD? Yep.
7. Favorite day of the week? Friday night.
8. Favorite sundae topping? Carmel.
9. Did you take piano lessons? No, but I took flute lessons for a short time.
10. Most frequent song played? I don't have favorites that I play, but I have a few that I turn up when they're on the radio. I've mentioned them in an earlier blog.
11. TV show you secretly enjoy? I don't know that I enjoy it, but I've been know to zone out on That's So Raven on a lazy Saturday morning.
12. Would you rather play basketball or hockey. If I was remotely athletic I would like be good at basketball.
13. Date someone older or younger? Depends on the maturity of the person but hubbie is younger by 4 years so I guess that answers that. He's an old fart at hear.
14. One place you would travel if you could? Not sure, somewhere out of the country with lots of history and pretty places to tour.
15. Do you use umbrellas? No, I'm not even good about wearing a jacket half the time. Getting out of the house with an umbrella would be a miracle.
16. Do you know all the words to the Candian national anthem. No, why would I?
17. Favorite cheese? Depends on what I want it for. Nachos, cooking, crackers....
18. Distrubed or My Chemical Romance? Not sure I've ever heard any music by either but I think Disturbed is probably a freak show.
19. Do you prefer rain or shine? Shine!
20. Best job you've ever had. Babysitting.
21. Did you go to your high school prom? Only my senior year.
22. Perfect time to wake up. When Bub does.
23. Perfect time to go to bed. 10:30.
24. Do you use your queen right away in chess? I don't play chess, couldn't tell you which one the queen is.
25. Ever been in a car accident? Yep, got rear ended about 2 weeks ago in fact. The car is fine.
26. Closer to Mom or Dad? Mom but Dad is right up there too. I'm not talking about my bio-Dad by the way.
27. What has been your favorite age so far. I've liked them all, I've had good experences at every age. I've not found any of them particularly traumatizing.
28. What decade during the 20th century would you have chosen to be a teenager? I would still pick the 90's because I like my life the way it turned out and it wouldn't be the same life if I was a teen in a different decade. I have always been a fan of some of the music in the 50's though.
29. Favorite shoes you ever owened? I had a blue pair of tennis shoes with white clouds on them. They're still in my closet, I think they're still in my closet. Unless I gave them to my sister.
30. Do you ahve an article of clothing that you've had since high school? Nothing I still wear.
31. Were you in track and field? Are you kidding me? Uh, no.
32. Were you ever in a school talent show? Yeah, sort of, band/flag competions.
33. Have you ever written in a library book? Not that I can remember, I doubt it.
34. What are you allergic to? Some metals.
35. Favorite fruit. I don't know, pineapple?
36. Have you watched Sex and the City? I've seen every season on DVD and saw the movie.
37. Baseball hat or toque? Neither, what's a toque?
38. Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap? Shampoo.
39. Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste. Wet the toothbrush, add toothpaste and then wet it again.
40. Pen or Pencil? Pen.
41. Have you ever gambled at a casino? Yep, went to Vegas for my honeymoon.
42. Have you thrown up on a plane? No, gross.
43. In a car? No, ewww.
44. At work? No, new question please!
45. Do you scream on roller coasters? Yes, very loudly and very high pitched.
46. Who was your first prom date. Ben.
47. Who was your first roommate? My sister.
48. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk for the first time. I've never been drunk. And no, I'm not just saying that because my Mom and my sister may read this.
49. What was your first job? Worked at the movie theater.
50. What was your first car? Silver 1983 Chevy Impala.
51. When did you go to your first funeral. In college, my Grandma's.
52. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown? I still live here.
53. Who was your first grade teacher? Mrs. Diem.
54. Where did you go on your first airplane ride? Vegas, baby!
55. When you snuck out of your housefor the first time, who was it with? I never snuck out, didn't need to.
56. Who was your best friend and are you still friends with them. My first best friend was Anthony, we met when we were 2 and hung out together all the way through grade school but became very different in junior high and high school. Even though we lived next door to each other we pretty much lost touch after 6th grade other then saying hi once in a while.
57. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parents house? With my husband.
58. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? Either my husband or my Mom, whoever I feel is more likely to make me feel better.
59. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or groomsman? My 2nd best friend Rebecca's wedding, the dress was awful and Pepto Bismol pink with poofy sleeves.
60. What is the first thing you do in the morning. Assess whether I can stay in bed a little longer.
61. What was the first concert you attended? New Kids on the Block. Going again this summer too!
62. First tattoo or piercing. I got my ears pierced in the 5th grade and re-pierced in college.
63. First celebrity crush? I don't consider celebrities crushes because in order to have a crush I think that person has to be attainable.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Do I really admit to this????

Oh Friends, let me just say, back in the day, I was a big New Kids on the Block fan. My family can attest to it and my Mom still has a picture in her house today that can prove it.

When I say that I was a big fan I'm talking I had t-shirts, huge buttons (and little buttons), a sleeping bag, throw pillow, earrings and even one of their dolls among other things I can't remember. Big fan.

I even used to go to the grocery store with my Mom every week so I could buy whichever fan magazine had the best posters in it and then by the weekend I had it compeltely taken apart and I'd spend part of Saturday playing their music on my boombox while I happily plastered my room with the posters. Oh people and when I say plaster I mean you couldn't see the wallpaper anymore. As a parent now I have to thank my Mom and Dad for letting me do that to my room because as a homeower I'm cringing over the thought of the thousands of tiny pin holes I must have left in the walls.

I also got to go to their concert when they came to Wichita back in 1991. I'm pretty sure I still have my ticket stub in a memory book somewhere but I don't need it to tell you that I went on March 6th, 3 days after my birthday and I took my best friend Rebecca. The tickets were a gift from my Parents and I waited in line at Dillon's early in the morning only to have my concert dreams crushed when they announced that the concert was sold 0ut. Not sure how the rest of this happened but when my Mom came to pick me up she let me know that my Grandpa was able to get the tickets for me over the phone so I'd get to go afterall. Woo-hoo! Unfortunately there isn't much more that I rememeber about it other then the atmosphere and that Rebecca and I got to go by ourselves and be picked up later, honestly I don't know how we found our way around the Coliseum etc. I guess I was just overwhelmed by it all and not much of the memory stuck.

So, why am I bringing all of this up now? Well folks, there are new memories to be made! I just found out yesterday that New Kids on the Block are once again coming to Wichita on July 3rd. My fellow dorks and I have already been planning the evening and plotting how we will manage to get our tickets the day they go on sale since we will all be at work.

Crazy isn't it? I was a 15 year old girl the last time they were here and now I'm a 33 year old Mom. Eighteen years makes a lot of difference doesn't it?

I have their new CD on my MP3 player, I've upgraded from the old Boombox (although I think it may still be hanging around somewhere). I'll have to listen to the CD more before the concert so that I can get familiar with the songs. I'll try to refrain from putting posters all over my walls though, not sure Hubbie would want thouse up while we're trying to sell the house. ;0)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just Some Stuff

Okay, so I'm pretty sure my kid is a genius. We were in the bathroom last night, because you know, I'm not allowed to take care of business alone. Anyway, so Bub and I were talking and I asked him if he would count with me thinking we would work on 1,2,3 and he proceeded to go on from there and count to 10! If I hadn't already been you know where, I think I could have wet my pants I was so shocked! He's learning so much and daycare is obviously working with the kids on this stuff. Anyway, it was a wake-up call for me that I need to work with him more and challenge him. He can also identify animals and their sounds and he's an expert at puzzles and shape sorters. It gives me so much hope that he won't have to struggle as much as I did at times in school and that things will just come easy for him. Only time will tell but I can't wait to see how it all turns out. He is also talking a lot more and certainly more clearly. He's been saying I love you for a while but yesterday when I asked him (to see if he could) he said I love you Mama and I love Dada. I of course had to call Hubbie at work right away and have Bub say it again so he could hear it. I'm pretty sure it made his day.

Have any of you heard the new Miley Cyrus song "The Climb?" I heard it when she was on a morning radio show and loved it and now I've caught bits and pieces of it on the radio. Well, if you haven't heard it, it's very cool. I never thought I would say that about a Miley song but I like it, her new CD comes out today so I'm hoping soon I can get the song with my download card and put it on my MP3 player. I also love the new duet with Jason Mraz and Colbie Callait called "Lucky" that's one to turn up when you hear it as well as 1,2,3,4 I Love you by the Plain White Tee's.

So, for anyone who doesn't know yet we're getting our house ready to put on the market. We've found a house in Rose Hill that we like but our house has to sell first. So, send prayers and good thoughts our way for our house to sell. Hubbie wants to get a realtor out this week but I think the first part of next week is realistic. I worked on it really hard over the weekend and even took last Friday off and had my fabulous Mom and Sister helping me so we are nearly ready. When we got our current house we were the 2nd offer in the first week it was on the market so we're hoping for similar results this time but it has been 8 years and the market and economy have obviously changed. I keep hearing that the real estate market in Wichita isn't necessarily bad but I'll feel better once we get the ball rolling and see if anyone is interested. Needless to say Hubbie and I have had some nights with not much sleep due to worrying but it's a big decision so that's expected. Eventually we'll be exhausted enough to sleep through the night. ;0)

Well, I better get to work. Ya know, stuff to do and all. I'll keep everyone updated on the house stuff. ~H.

Monday, March 16, 2009

You know you're a comfortable old married couple when.....

When you realize at 3:15 on the day of your anniversary that IT IS your anniversary and then call your hubbie at work to remind him and you both have a good laugh about it.

Yes people, today is my anniversay, it's been 7 wonderful years and yes, we both forgot. Of course there is no reason to read anything into it, we're just laid back like that. I also asked hubbie to combo-up birthday and anniversay and just give me money to go clothes shopping as a gift so there has been no pressure to go gift shopping etc. Honestly, he spoils me and shows he loves me every day so there's no reason for a grand gesture on the actual date.

He did feel bad about not getting me anything for my birthday though (March 3rd) so when I sent him to Walmart that night to get some Ibuprofen for Bub he came back with 2 new puzzles and a new toy for the sick Bub and 2 dozen roses for me. So who knows, maybe there will be a trip to Walmart in the plans for tonight along with Hamburger Helper by candle light (not really, we have a toddler for pete's sake!). ;0)

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Lost Poem

A co-worker shared this during our team meeting last week. I thought it was cute enough to share. Anyone who has worked in an office setting can probably get a giggle out of this. Oh, and i do really like my job. ;0)

I Love My Job!
The Lost Dr. Seuss Poem

I love my job, I love the pay! I love it more and more each day.
I love my boss, she is the best! I love her boss and all the rest.

I love my office and its location; I hate to have to go on vacation.
I love my furniture, drab and gray, and piles of paper that grow each day!

I think my job is really swell, there’s nothing else I love so well.
I love to work among my peers, I love their leers, and jeers, and sneers.

I love my computer and its software; I hug it often though it won’t care.
I love each program and every file. I’d love them more if they worked awhile.

I’m happy to be here. I am. I am. I’m the happiest slave of the Firm, I am.
I love this work, I love these chores. I love the meetings with deadly bores.

I love my job – I’ll say it again- I even love those friendly men.
Those friendly men who’ve come today, in clean white coats to take me away!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Watch What You Say!

My sweet little boy has learned a new word and he's very proud of it. There is a downfall to this new word though. It's cute at home but he also uses it when we're in public and is typically loud about it. Can anyone guess what it is????

Tootie!!!!! Here's the story. Bub and I were on our way to the grocery store Monday after work and I was giggling at the rumblings coming from his car seat and saying Oh, tootie and he picked up on it right away and proceeded to say it through the grocery store. Then, Tuesday Hubbie and Bub were in the sporting goods section of Walmart while I was clothes shopping and Bub heard one (I won't say where it came from) and announced TOOTIE! Needless to say I don't think I had told Hubbie about his new word so it came as quite a surprise when Bub said it at top volume. Ah kids, they'll embarrass the heck out of you won't they?

Fortunately, he has lots of other words he says too. He is quite polite and always says please, thank you and excuse me (when he tooties or burps). He's also very good at reminding us to do the same if we happen to forget. He looks at us and says "whayousay?" Adorable. He's also really good at identifying animals in his books. We've read his favorite books so many times he's started to memorize what each page says. His favorite is Oh My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs which he runs together and calls OhMySaurs! Anyway, he can point to the pages and say happy/sad, good/bad, cold/hot etc. etc. etc. Very cute but we've had to institute a 2 times rule. We'll read the book twice in a row and then he has to go find a new book. OhMySaurs is not as cute after the 6th time in a row.

Okay, well I could go on for forever but I'll end this here. There are always Bub stories to tell and I'm always happy to tell them.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Does this crap only happen to me!

Okay, so I was SO PROUD of myself yesterday for figuring out the whole blogging business. Woo-hoo, yea me!

But then........I copied and pasted my link to an e-mail to send out to my bloggy buddies and my SISTER (how embarrassing) and realized a very unfortunate thing. Did anyone else notice that when you run my blog name together for the link it looks like this thefordsexplorering? Hello! The word sex jumps right out of that and makes it look like the The Ford's Sex Plorering! YIKES! I'm blushing just thinking about it. Fortunately there is no such thing as plorering or I'd be in big trouble especially since my first post talked about bras!

Oh well, I'm not changing it, the name is cute, I'm hoping that everyone gets that it's just a play on words with my last name. Oy, I swear this crap only happens to me.

Also, I know my blog is not much to look at right now, I'm still working on figuring that all out. I'll work on it here and there so it hopefully there will be a little more to see each day.

Okay, time to look like I'm working on something important. ;0) Yeah, I still use the sideways smiley. Techonologically challenged remember, I have no idea how people do the regular smileys. So here's another one! ;0)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Woah, I have a blog. What should I write?

Okay, so this one isn't going to be so long-ish. I will warn any readers though that I do tend to be a bit wordy. Seriously, just ask my friend Michelle, she e-mailed me yesterday about going out for pizza and got the whole story about my weekend shopping and new bras (I got spring clothes too). Oh, and we're going out for pizza on Friday if anyone wondered.

So it occurred to me that once I hit publish on this I have no idea who will be able to read it. I'm so technologically stunted that I don't know if I made this one of those that ANYONE can read or just the people I invite, but I have't invited anyone yet so essentially I'm blogging to myself and I already know all of this stuff. I also have no idea how to access it when I want to blog some random thing tomorrow. Well, details, you know, figure 'em out later. Hmmmm, well, here goes nothin because I gotta hit the road.