My sweet little boy has learned a new word and he's very proud of it. There is a downfall to this new word though. It's cute at home but he also uses it when we're in public and is typically loud about it. Can anyone guess what it is????
Tootie!!!!! Here's the story. Bub and I were on our way to the grocery store Monday after work and I was giggling at the rumblings coming from his car seat and saying Oh, tootie and he picked up on it right away and proceeded to say it through the grocery store. Then, Tuesday Hubbie and Bub were in the sporting goods section of Walmart while I was clothes shopping and Bub heard one (I won't say where it came from) and announced TOOTIE! Needless to say I don't think I had told Hubbie about his new word so it came as quite a surprise when Bub said it at top volume. Ah kids, they'll embarrass the heck out of you won't they?
Fortunately, he has lots of other words he says too. He is quite polite and always says please, thank you and excuse me (when he tooties or burps). He's also very good at reminding us to do the same if we happen to forget. He looks at us and says "whayousay?" Adorable. He's also really good at identifying animals in his books. We've read his favorite books so many times he's started to memorize what each page says. His favorite is Oh My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs which he runs together and calls OhMySaurs! Anyway, he can point to the pages and say happy/sad, good/bad, cold/hot etc. etc. etc. Very cute but we've had to institute a 2 times rule. We'll read the book twice in a row and then he has to go find a new book. OhMySaurs is not as cute after the 6th time in a row.
Okay, well I could go on for forever but I'll end this here. There are always Bub stories to tell and I'm always happy to tell them.
#1000 Broccoflower
2 days ago
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