I am undeniably procrastinating work. What I'm working on is repetitive, and boring and I've been working on it for the last couple of hours. So yes, at this point I'm procrastinating doing any more of it for a bit.
Nothing very new has been going on. Bub is still adorable as ever and surprises me every day. He is showing signs of being so very smart, it makes my heart happy. Among other things he is really good at identifying animals and their sounds. He picks up on new things quite easily too. This week he learned what a snake sounds like after going over it a few times. He also learned what a train sounds like in just the few minutes that it takes to get home from daycare. We were stopped by one so I figured it was a good time for a little lesson. He's really into singing too. Favorite song? Twinkle Twinkle or Kinkle Kinkle as he says. I start him off and then he sings after me and after that I repeat what he just sang and he sings the rest of the line. Pretty good for almost 2 1/2. Itsy Bitsy Spider is a fave too, he does the hand motions and everything. Have I mentioned that he can count to 15 as well? We're working on ABC's and colors too. He's already a pro at shape sorting and can identify some of the shapes. Like I said, smart kid. He'll tell you he's smart too. I told him he was smart one day and he's just hung onto it and frequently says "I'm smart" when we review everything.
Another funny story, Bub apparently loves everything, he started that over the weekend. He insisted on wearing his snow boots with his PJ's Saturday morning, when I commented on them he said "I looooove boots". Too cute! Later I caught him sitting with Daddy watching sports (still in snow boots) and I commented "awwww, are you watching sports with Daddy?" his reponse "I looooove sports". Since then he has applied it to looooving shoes, choo-choo, snack, Patrick his stuffed elephant and of course also to Daddy and I among lots of other things. Like I said he loooooves everything.
Grant and I are considering adding a furry friend to our family. We've talked about it not so seriously for a while. Usually just in the context of "our next dog" but it seems that we have found our possible "next dog" a little early. Grant has been wanting a big dog and we found a Great Dane for a Great Deal (get it?). So anyway, we're thinking. I'm sure we'll think too long and the two that are left will be gone in which case I guess it then just wasn't meant to be. I'll let you know what happens.
Well, I suppose I can't procrastinate any longer and should see what I can get done in my last 18 minutes. (Sigh) I'm ready to go home and play!
#1000 Broccoflower
2 days ago